These are fractures that occur especially as a result of falls, sports injuries or trauma, and occur at the point where the forearm bones (radius and ulna) meet the wrist joint. wrist fractures There are various types, and treatment options depend on the severity and location of the fracture.
Colles fracture: It is a type of fracture that occurs in the distal (end) part of the radius bone and the bone is displaced towards the back. It usually occurs as a result of a fall.
Smith fracture: It can be called the opposite of Colles fracture. Here, the distal end of the radius bone is displaced anteriorly.Barton fracture: It is a type of fracture that occurs on the joint surface of the radius bone and affects the joint by protruding the bone fragment.
Scaphoid fracture: It is a fracture of the scaphoid bone, which is one of the most frequently broken small bones in the wrist. It usually occurs as a result of falling on the hand during a fall.
- severe pain
- Swelling
- Bruising or discoloration
- Limitation of movement or loss of function
- Abnormal shape or bone protrusion
Wrist Fractures Treatment Processes
wrist fractures In order to prevent fall and injury, it is important to use appropriate protective equipment and be careful in environments where there is a risk of falling.
Conservative treatment: For mild fractures, aligning the bone correctly and securing it with a cast or splint may be sufficient.
Surgical treatment: Depending on the severity and location of the fracture, the doctor may need to surgically correct the fracture and fix the bones using plates, screws, or nails.
Physical therapy: After the fracture has healed, it is important to attend physical therapy sessions to restore and strengthen wrist functions.
What Happens When Wrist Fractures Are Left Untreated?
wrist fractures It may lead to various complications. Therefore, timely and appropriate treatment is important. Possible complications after fracture include:
Healing problems: In some cases, the fracture does not heal completely or may heal misaligned. This condition can cause loss of function, limitation of movement and constant pain.
Inflammation: In fractures that require surgical intervention, there is a risk of infection. Infections can delay the healing process of the fracture and require further treatment.
Nerve damage: A fracture can damage surrounding nerves. This can lead to loss of sensation, weakness and dysfunction.
Joint calcification: After the healing of fractures, calcification (arthrosis) may develop in the joint. This can cause limitation of movement, pain and decreased joint function.
Compartment syndrome: Pressure due to fractures is a serious condition that can cause damage to muscles and nerves. This condition requires urgent intervention and can cause permanent damage if not treated in time.
Treatment of wrist fractures During the recovery process, it is important to act in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and increase the flexibility and strength of the wrist by doing appropriate exercises. This reduces the risk of complications and ensures faster recovery.
Remember that every patient and situation is different, so always seek the advice of your own doctor and collaborate with him/her on a customized treatment plan.
Assoc. Dr. Murat Kaya

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