It is a congenital leg anomaly or a disorder in leg development. tibial hemimelia It is a rare condition and occurs in one birth in every 1 million. It is characterized by missing or hypoplastic tibia bone, as well as deformations of the foot and ankle joints. The tibia bone is the lower leg bone and forms the bone between the ankle and knee bones.

Although the exact cause is not known, it is thought to be a hereditary predisposition. It is also thought that in some cases, factors such as the mother's smoking or use of certain medications during pregnancy may also have an impact.

Tibial Hemimelia treatments

There are various levels. In some cases, only part of the tibia bone is affected, while in other cases the tibia is completely absent. Additionally, the ankle joints and foot may also be affected in some cases, while in other cases they develop normally.

tibial hemimelia Symptoms may be noticed immediately after birth or a few months later. The affected leg may be short and small. The foot may be turned in the opposite direction, short, or simply absent. Additionally, excessive or limited mobility in the leg and deformations in the knee and ankle joints may also be observed.

Treatment usually includes surgical intervention. Treatment may include surgery aimed at achieving bone growth and lengthening in the affected leg. Additionally, procedures such as stabilization of the ankle joints and correction of deformities in the foot and ankle joints can also be performed. Surgical interventions may be repeated multiple times as the child grows and the bones grow.

If treatment is started, especially at an early age, outcomes are often better and the person's quality of life improves significantly. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation can increase the effectiveness of surgical interventions and help a person use their legs functionally.

Tibial Hemimelia Symptoms

tibial hemimelia It can be noticed immediately after birth or a few months later. Symptoms are characterized by missing or hypoplastic tibial bones and ankle joints and foot deformities. Some symptoms are:

  1. The affected leg may be short and small.
  2. The foot may be turned in the opposite direction, short, or simply absent.
  3. Excessive or limited mobility may be observed in the leg.
  4. Deformations may occur in the knee and ankle joints.
  5. There may be muscle weakness or atrophy in the affected leg.

In some cases, it can be seen together with other orthopedic problems such as congenital hip dysplasia (hip bones developing differently than normal).

tibial hemimeliacan be seen at various levels. In some cases, only part of the tibia bone is affected, while in other cases the tibia is completely absent. Additionally, the ankle joints and foot may also be affected in some cases, while in other cases they develop normally. Therefore, if symptoms of any kind are noticed, it is important to be evaluated and treated by an orthopedic physician or pediatric orthopedist as soon as possible.

Tibial Hemimelia disease

Tibial Hemimelia Treatment Options

It may vary depending on the condition and age of the affected individual, which bones in the legs are affected and the severity of the deformities. Treatment usually involves surgery and the goal is to achieve bone growth and lengthening in the affected leg, provide stabilization of the ankle joints, or correct deformities in the foot and ankle joints. Some treatment options include:

Leg Lengthening Surgery

tibial hemimelia The affected leg can be lengthened with bone lengthening surgery to have the same length as the normal leg. This procedure is done by attaching special devices to the affected bones, allowing the bones to gradually lengthen. This process can often take several months and require a lengthy rehabilitation period.



Foot Stabilization

Ankle and foot joints can be affected by tibial hemimelia. Stabilization surgery on ankle joints ensures the fixation of the ankle and the transfer of force between the leg and foot.

Correction of Foot Deformities

Foot deformities are common in affected individuals. Surgical interventions can be applied to correct foot deformities. These procedures aim to correct the foot bones, restructure the joints or ensure harmony between the leg and foot.


tibial hemimelia  In severe cases, surgeries may not provide sufficient results and prosthetics may be recommended. Prostheses replace the foot or leg bones, allowing the individual to move and continue his daily life.

Treatment is usually done in collaboration with a surgical team and is customized to individual needs. Treatment options are determined within an individual plan and may vary depending on many factors, such as the course of treatment, number of surgeries, rehabilitation and physiotherapy needs.
